Introduction the speakers at Epigenetic Symposium

to meet the giants

Posted by Ruby on June 26, 2024

Marisa S. Bartolomei

the Perelman Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology and Co-Director of the Epigenetics Institute at Upenn

  • Research interest: genomic imprinting and X inactivation in mice
  • Contribution shortlists in genomic imprinting
    • identified H19, Igf2 and related diseases
    • identified regulation mechanism via ICR
    • DNA methylation in conferring the parental identity of imprinted genes
  • Recent updates
    • epigenetic dysregulation mechanism and outcomes (e.g. Rhon-Calderon et al., 2024), (Prasasya et al., 2024).
    • DNA methylation profiling method development (e.g. Lee et al., 2024).

Isabelle Mansuy

Professor in Neuroepigenetics at UZH and ETHZ

  • Research interest: epigenetic factors and chromatin organization and transmission of modified traits
  • Contribution shortlist in molecular mechanisms of memory:
    • role of PP1 and calcineurin
    • epigenetic basis as a inheritable “memory”
  • Recent updates
    • science in all rounds of epigenetic factors and chromatin states (e.g. Otaru et al., 2024), (LaPlante et al., 2023).
    • social relevance on epigenetics (e.g. Dalpé et al., 2024).

Anita Öst

Head of division of CNB at LiU

  • Research interest: link through early life experience, spermatogensis, embryo development, and offspring health
  • Contribution shortlist in fetal programming:
    • reprogramming of adipocytes in T1D patients
  • Recent updates
    • small RNAs (e.g. Skog et al., 2023).
    • response to diet (e.g. Dalpé et al., 2024 , Ramesh et al., 2023).

Antoine Peters

Group Leader at FMI

  • Research interest: epigenetic regulators in stem cell (pre-implantation embryos) properties
  • Contribution shortlist in epigenetic regulators, especially histone markers:
    • LSD1, Suv39h
    • histone markers in cellular plasticity
  • Recent updates, see google scholar
    • germs cells
    • early embryogenesis

James Hackett

Group Leader at EBML

Gavin Kelsey

Head of epigenetic program at Brabaham Institute

  • Current research interest: from epigenetic states in oocyte to embryo
  • Contribution shortlist:
    • placenta specific imprinting: IGF-II, Gnas
    • from scGBS to scNMT
  • Recent updates in oocyte growth, see google scholar

Ida Marie Astad Jentoft

Postdoc at MPI

Current research: dormancy and proteome regulation

  • Recent updates:
    • Intracellular molecular mechanisms of oocyte (Jentoft, et al., 2023) and zygote (Scheffler, et al., 2023).

Bas Heijmans

Professor at Leiden University Medical Center

  • Current research interest: from epigenetic states in oocyte to embryo
  • Contribution shortlist:
    • epigenetics in prenatal famine
    • cis- and trans-eEQTL studies
    • epigenetics in aging
  • Recent updates in interplay between metabolism and epigenetics; fetal growth restriction outcomes see google scholar

Vicente Perez Garcia

Researcher at University of Cambridge

Yuta Takahashi

Principal Investigator at Kumamoto University

  • Research interest: Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance in mammals
  • Contribution shortlist:
    • epigenetic mark arginine methylation regulates the lifespan of the nematode
    • introduction of CpG-free DNA into targeted CpG islands triggers de novo methylation of CpG islands in human PSCs
  • Recent updates
    • transgenerational inheritance in mouse model with epigenetically modified DNA methylation(Takahashi et al., 2023)