
Because it is there

TCGA notes

"Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” — Vivian Greene"

检索 检索数据的一般过程是,选择自己感兴趣的突变并为止建立突变集、选择自己感兴趣的病例并建立病例集。突变集和突变集、病例集和病例集可以做并和异或的操作。 然后就可以根据病例集和突变集的积选择符...

Rstudio Server

"Cloud computing is a great euphemism for centralization of computer services under one server."

biuld R from source 大多包管理工具中的R不是最新版本。为安装特定版本(尤其是最新版本)的R,最好从source编译。 流程 流程中的注意事项: ...



“生命科学确实还是一颗八点钟的朝阳” 行业概貌 企事业单位位置 除了个别政府单位及医院,大部分单位位于各城市郊区。有种“你管这叫成都?”,“你管这叫深圳?”,“你管这叫无锡?”之感。 这...


"Linux is only free when your time has no value.."

WSL2 安装 注意 设置完后再安装系统 检验安装成功与否:在PowerShell中输入wsl -l -v 参考链接 其中,启用wsl和虚拟机功能的命令语句中,应注意执行后自...

Bioinformatics Materials

"Thank god, my genome just compiled."

Online courses MIT open courseware statistics MIT 18.650 Statistics for Applicatio...

Last Holiday

"Home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends."

Applying for KU Leuven We are looking for a motivated PhD-researcher to work in the field of ...

Bucket List

"The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

These are what I dream to do in my life time. This list will be consistently updated. Learn...


Hi-C analysis TBC Compartments TBC call compartments input: a dense cis matrix output: ei...

ubuntu 服务器加装硬盘与简单管理

"Hello World, Hello Server"

ubuntu 服务器加装硬盘与简单管理 服务器 Dell T630 选择购买相应硬盘及Dell 3.5英寸硬盘架, 安装时注意新的硬盘置于上层,装好后重启机器。 加装硬盘 ...

Love the world

"Hello World, Hello Blog"

“Yeah It’s on. ” 前言 Ruby 的 Blog 就这么开通了。